The club owns a woodland area in which it releases pheasants for the purpose of selling shoots to raise money for land purchase.
The wood is a long thin area and we slowly beat it from one end to the other with up to 4 guns walking on each side. It takes nearly 2 hours to complete.
In the 2015/16 season we held four shoots, the first giving very sporting birds in a high wind which provided challenging shooting and netted a bag of 38 between 6 guns. The second again with 6 guns and a good
wind again yielded 57 pheasants, 2 teal and 1 woodcock. The next shoot started by taking 6 guns out in our boats on the broad for a morning flight followed by the pheasant drive in the wood and finishing the day with an evening flight on one of our marshes. A greylay was bagged in the morning and a lot of widgeon along with teal and mallard seen but out of range. The drive yielded a bag of 30 pheasant, 2 teal and one woodcock. The last shoot had less wind but netted a bag of 25 pheasant, 1 partridge, 1 mallard, 1 pigeon and a chinese water deer that was struggling to walk was cornered and despatched. All guns again enjoyed their shooting many having returned after last year.
The 2016/17 season had four shoots with 60 head being bagged on the first and second with lower numbers on the latter.
The 2017/18 season had 5 shoots planned but the first had no takers. The 2nd yielded 55 head, the 3rd 58 head, the 4th 38 head and the final one was for the beaters/pickers and yielded 28 pheasant, 1 mallard and 1 woodcock..
In the 2018/19 season we have had 2 shoots the first being 2 mallard, 2 teal and 34 pheasants. The 2nd produced 1 pigeon, 1 jay, 1 gadwall plus 44 pheasants.
In 2019/20 we have had one shoot yielding 40 pheasant, 2 mallard and 1 teal. There are two more planned one of which still has a gun available. Anyone interested please contact us.