Formed in 1985, Rockland Wildfowlers' Association was entrusted to manage the hitherto free shooting on Rockland Broad just South East of Norwich, Norfolk. We still shoot the Broad, together with over 1000 acres of prime East Anglian wildfowling marshes.
Famous for centuries as a mecca for wildfowling and for many years the home of the eccentric "Old Scientific" Fuller, a Punt Gunner of the Old School, who lived solely by what he could shoot or fish in the late 19th to the early 20th Century; Rockland Broad's shooting is still managed by the Association today.
Please feel free to browse the site to learn more about us, our contribution to conservation of the Broadland wildlife, flora & fauna and maybe if you would like, contact us to explore the possibility of joining.
NEW Nesting report 2022
Wildfowling and Conservation Hand in Hand